shinyscholar 0.2.5 (2025-02-05)

shinyscholar 0.2.4 (2025-01-29)

shinyscholar 0.2.3 (2025-01-17)

shinyscholar 0.2.2 (2025-01-15)

shinyscholar 0.2.1

shinyscholar 0.2.0

shinyscholar 0.1.2

shinyscholar 0.1.1

shinyscholar 0.1.0

  1. Automatic loading of modules
  2. Saving and loading of the current app state
  3. Creating Rmarkdown files for reproducing the workflow outside of the application
  4. Logging errors
  1. common - the data structure passed between modules - has been changed from a list() containing spp <- reactiveValues() to an R6::R6Class().
  2. Due to objects inside common not being inherently reactive, event triggers have been added using {gargoyle}
  3. A Code tab has been added to the Visualization panel to allow the code for each module and the function that each module calls to be viewed.
  4. Unit tests for each module have been created using {shinytest2} in addition to unit tests for the function that the module calls.
  5. ~~Added a new function run_module() which can be used to run a single module.~~ Removed in 0.2.2 use run_<app name>() or load_file_path
  6. Added a new function create_template() which can be used to create a skeleton app.
  7. Added a Dockerfile which can be used to run the app on a shiny-server.
  8. Added show_loading_modal() which uses {shinybusy} to display a modal whilst slow functions are running.